All humans deserve to be witnessed in their genius.

The goal

The goal of our work together is one of transformation. To support you in your journey of discovering who you are, what you are meant to do, and how you will courageously embody that in the world “for the people to see.”

In other words, to move away from roles that have no life for you - that in fact drain you - and to increase the amount of time you spend in what you might call an authentic expression of your soul.

Our work is done when you no longer need me to help you with this process, when you can do it on your own.


The maps I facilitate and teach from in my work include the Enneagram, the Soul-centric Map of Human Development (Plotkin), Parts Work (Self Soul Spirit, IFS), Polarity (Deida, Wineland), 8 Shields (Young) and the 5Rhythms (Roth). 

These maps and teachings are fully integrated into who I am as a person, leaving me free to rely a whole lot on intuition, mirroring, and mindfulness.

A fuller list of my relevant trainings and certifications can be found at the bottom of my About Me page.

The process

I facilitate largely in the body.

This means at some point in each session, you will be invited to bring your attention to your body (things like: your breath, your sensations, your emotions, your movement).

We will use our talking time for integration, communication and for any teaching and clarification I may offer.

Meeting in person is preferred, but given the constraints of time and space, meeting over Zoom is often where we will find ourselves together.

Logistics + FAQ

Q: How often will we meet?

We’ll meet for 75-minutes, every week, 3 times per month.

Q: What about in-between sessions?

You’ll have unlimited access to me in our ongoing encrypted messaging thread, voice or text, 365 days/year. I will respond within 24 hours, unless we’ve made other arrangements. I will always make you aware in advance of my planned unavailability.

15-minute spot coaching is available as needed.

Q: What is your commitment to me?

I only work with 5 clients at a time.. This allows me to excel at what I do, show up with all of my capacity and devotion, and drive directly towards the goal of your success.

Think of me as an employee with really good boundaries who is accountable to your rapid and durable progression.

I don’t do band-aids.

The Buddha taught there are two sins— never beginning your journey, and never completing it.

I work with men that inspire me because of their heart, their sense of urgency and because they have a mission in the world that I believe in.

What I do not work with are humans who have not yet made the decision to go on their journey.

I’ll admit it: I’m looking for a needle in a haystack!

I require your investment of time and energy, yes. But most of all, I require your decision.

Your time and attention is all you have! Ditto for me. I’ll save us both by determining early on if you are really ready for this path, and if working together would serve you at this time.

If not, we will get you the help you need. I’m happy to provide referrals and schedule a future time to revisit our working together.

Your success is my only priority, whether we work together or not.